i forgot to put this up the last time. My mum's mee rebus. It tastes as good as it looks ^^

so we were in ipoh, it was late, we didn't know where to eat so we went to the first thing that caught our eye. "Ye olde English". But then ah, they bruff you wan! No english food oso! as we got nearer and nearer I realised that the poster had pictures of grilled prawns and pineapple rice. -_________________- not english say lah. But the drinks are huge and will have you running for the toilet as soon as you finish your meal.

couldn't get a good picture, but that's the restaurant.

I was very happy I could get flowers. I hid them from my dad so that he wouldn't scold me. who can resist?? ^^ First time I've seen such nice yellow roses.
12:38 PM
2 + 2 = 4!